Akron car accident attorney Thomas Skidmore's uncompromising ethics instills confidence and trust in the handling of your serious injury case. He uses cutting edge technologies that allows him to respond quickly, and give you the most relevant information and perspectives.
Cleveland * Akron * Canton
The law office of Thomas A. Skidmore is dedicated to achieving the best outcome for every client suffering from a serious injury. For a free consultation and case evaluation with Akron personal injury attorney Thomas A. Skidmore call 330 379-2745 today.
Aggressive and Effective Representation
Contingent Fee Arrangements Available
Thomas A. Skidmore Co., L.P.A.
The Andrew House
655 W. Market Street
Akron, Ohio 44303
PHONE (330) 379-2745
FAX (330) 253-9657
E-Mail thomasskidmore@rrbiznet.com